Today's WOD involves timed drop sets. You'll start the circuit doing one minute of each exercise then moving down the list to exercise #2, then #3, etc. Once completing the circuit, rest for one minute then complete the circuit again, this time going for fifty seconds. You'll work your way through the circuit until the sets are down to ten second intervals. Record the number of reps for each round and shoot for as many reps as possible making sure to maintain excellent form throughout.
Miles and Monk playing a very wild game of fetch |
- Squats (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Pushups (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- TRX Rows (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Burpees (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- KB Swings (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Hand Planks (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Bicycles (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- MB Russian Twists (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Alternating Stepback Lunges (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
- Bear Crawls (:60, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10)
Good luck and check back in tomorrow for the WOD!
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